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11 Ways To Fully Be Healed From A Broken Heart

The demise of a loved one causes broken hearts, a season, a career, health, a desire, a relationship, or a loved one’s scars, this is why I have come up with 11 ways to fully be healed from a broken heart.

Breakups are difficult to overcome. Your heart is probably broken with grief, hatred, rage, and defeat. But there is no better moment to draw near to God and recuperate from a devastating experience like a breakup.

Bible verses for a broken heart can be used as healing scripture to help you get through the dark days when depression takes over your thoughts.

I pray that as you read this, you will experience God’s love and consolation and that as you turn to him, you will begin to feel God mend your shattered heart.

Take Everything One Day At A Time

You may feel overwhelmed with all the decisions that need to be made during a split.

There may be numerous loose ends to knot, and this tension may interfere with your sleep, work, or social life.

So, following the split, remember to take things one day at a time.

Each day following the split will be more leisurely. Set your sights on the future, which will most likely be brighter than where you are now.

Remember that getting well and entire again will take time, and don’t rush any decisions you need to make.

Learn to accept your pain. Don’t speed through the rehabilitation process, or you’ll be back in it too soon.

Healing takes time. A wound that has only partially healed will most likely reopen.

We sometimes want to speed through a process to get to the next thing, to be on the other side, but we should take the time to heal and assess.

Discomfort frequently breeds discovery, so sit with the misery of the pain for a while.

Take the time needed to examine the pain, comprehend what happened, and, if relevant, how the discomfort could be avoided in the future.

It’s especially crucial to consider how pain might be used for good. Perhaps this agony was essential to teach you a lesson for your future season.

 Genuine Vulnerability

When I say genuine vulnerability, I mean our ability to admit to God in the first place that we are hurting and broken.

We are instructed to lay our cares on God in 1 Peter 5:6-7. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,” the verses say, “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Why is it vital to pour out our hearts to God and put our cares on Him for our healing hearts? Because healing cannot occur unless we first admit it is necessary.

When our hearts are crushed, we face the temptation to deny our brokenness, whether out of shame, pride, or guilt.

To appear strong, we may act as if we are not weak. To protect ourselves from further harm, we avoid vulnerability.

However, acting as if we don’t need to be healed is not healing. We don’t have to be tough in front of God, but we can be honest with Him about our pain and brokenness because a hard heart is not healed.

Being honest with ourselves and God is a gift that God gives us in our connection with Him.

We can lay all our broken pieces at His feet and let Him into the most vulnerable portions of our hearts.

The truth, Jesus says, will set us free John 8:32, while 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that love rejoices in the truth. (Colossians 13:6)

No matter how horrible the situation caused our broken hearts, we can trust God to handle it with love, grace, and kindness.

Everything Should Be Dedicated To Prayer

One of the most healing things you can do after a breakup is to draw close to God in prayer. Every time your trauma is awakened, you can express your emotions to God.

God understands what it’s like to be betrayed and abandoned.

Even though he had done nothing wrong, his people repeatedly rejected him. You might take solace in the fact that he understands how you feel.

God will mend your heart and bandage your wounds. Because Jesus lost his companions when he needed them the most, he understands exactly how you feel.

 He can minister to your wounds better than anyone else because he understands the entire extent of your anguish.

You will sense his loving presence near you as you depend on him in prayer, and your faith will increase.

Consider What You’re Thinking About

During times of brokenness, our thoughts can sometimes run away with us. I’m a terrible buddy. I’ll never find the right one.

Nobody would ever want to be around me. I don’t deserve to be happy.

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing,” Philippians 4:8 states. Concentrate on what is natural, honorable, right, pure, gorgeous, and admirable.

 Consider things that are great and deserving of appreciation.”

What do you think about these days? are they true, worthy of praise, are they respectable?

Do you desire vengeance and dwell on what he said or did? Do you believe the enemy’s deception or the truth that God has called you to rescue, restore, renew, and transform?

Concentrate on what is proper to assist you in escaping the abyss of pain.

Relinquish The Shame

Let’s be honest. Broken hearts are sometimes the direct result of a decision we make.

We may have acted unethically and lost the desired job. Perhaps our relationship ended because of an affair.

 We may have lost our company due to a poor financial decision.

There are numerous occasions where a shattered heart is a direct result of our actions, and there are many instances where this is not the case.

If this is the case, seek forgiveness as necessary. If necessary, repent and move on. Allowing guilt to pervade our futures only serves to impede the healing process.

Make Contact With Your Friends

Following a split, it is critical to rely on a support network. If you withdraw within yourself, you will only exacerbate your loneliness and sadness.

Loneliness hints that you should reach out and connect with a buddy. Make it a point to reach out to someone who inspires you every day after your breakup.

This can be accomplished through a face-to-face meeting, a phone call, or a Zoom call. Consider the time you devote to soul medicine.

Using these methods to avoid loneliness will assist you in navigating the valley of a breakup.

Don’t Start Dating Too Soon

How to Get Over a Breakup You may be tempted to enter another relationship right away to alleviate the agony of your split.

If you don’t take the time to recover first, you’ll most likely get hurt again. So, before dating again after a split, ensure you’ve invested time in feeling whole and healthy again.

A Christian counselor can help you determine whether you are emotionally healthy enough to date.

Your therapist can guide you through repairing your heart so that you can date again.

Seek Godly Counsel For Assistance And Support

Some broken hearts are difficult to mend. Perhaps you experienced a significant loss or trauma.

While God is the ultimate healer and promises to cure you, seeking godly advice and guidance is critical during this difficult time.

Perhaps it means meeting with a mentor or someone at church regularly to talk while God heals your heart.

There is no shame in seeking assistance. As God heals your damaged heart, pray and ask God to show you who you should reach out to for help on your healing journey.

Rejoice in the comfort of God

 A broken heart is awful and unpleasant, but our Father is eager to heal every wound. God is close to the brokenhearted. He keeps the tears we poured.

He is there as a surgeon, performing heart surgery in a way only he can.

When I’m weakest and most broken, I frequently imagine my Heavenly Father waiting for me to run for a loving hug. I run. He encircles me with his arms. And I sink.

I am submerged in the goodness of his affection, bask in his forgiving mercy. I rest in his presence, which will transform everything.

And I occasionally stay there for a while. But, like all good fathers, He tenderly lays my foot on solid ground, dusts my dirty knees, and encourages me to try again.

Thanks, And Gratitude

Even during a shattered heart, bitterness can cause us to miss how God rewards us.

When her husband and sons died, Naomi, in the book of Ruth, traveled from Moab to Israel.

When Naomi arrived in Israel, she instructed everyone to stop calling her Naomi and start calling her Mara, which means bitter, because, in her words, “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.

” Why call me Naomi when the LORD has testified against me and the Almighty has inflicted catastrophe upon me? (Ruth 1:20-21)

Naomi’s resentment blinded her to the fact that God had blessed her with a trustworthy daughter-in-law. Ruth had a companion (she was not alone), it was harvest season when she arrived in Israel, she had a place to return to, and God had a plan even when she couldn’t see it (her God was still trustworthy).

If you’ve read the book of Ruth, you’ll know that the Lord miraculously provides for Naomi and Ruth even when they’re in deep distress.

I understand how difficult it is to see the bright side when everything appears dark. Jealousy, wrath, bitterness, and defensiveness thrive when our hearts are broken.

But when we take the time to pause and truly recognize how God has been and continues to move and protect us, even in our pain, we can shift our attitudes toward appreciation.

To begin healing, we can gradually shift our focus away from the pain and toward God’s love and goodness.

Fill Yourself With Love

Our damaged hearts are frequently the result of a love that has been lost.

As much as it hurts, we must remember that while we may lose the affection of others, we will never lose the love of God, which we must cherish and never take for granted.

God is not the same as a man. He keeps His promises, He is dependable, and He is exceedingly patient, forgiving, kind, and gentle. Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross demonstrates God’s love for us.

 Nothing anyone can ever do or say can take that away from us.

Be Filled With Optimism

Hope reminds us that this will not last forever. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,” says Romans 15:13, “so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Because we think there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if we can’t see or feel it right now, hope motivates us to keep traveling in the dark until we discover it.

Hope keeps us from being trapped by giving us reasons to trust in the best and keep heading toward the light.

And God is the source of that light for us. He gives us a reason to get out of bed in the morning and keep hoping for the best.

If God has given you breath today, you have hope for tomorrow because it indicates He isn’t done with you yet.

To Reach A Decision

As you pray for God to heal your broken heart, ask him to show you how he uses your suffering for good.

Your broken heart is not the end of the world. Trust that God is accomplishing something extraordinary this season and that all things, even your shattered heart, are working for good.

Be Blessed In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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