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4 Powerful Steps To Break Away From Mental Illness

4 Powerful Steps To Break Away From Mental Illness.

4 Powerful Steps To Break Away From Mental Illness.

One thing I have come to realize is why people are having a mental illness is simply because they do not really know who they are or what they are capable of doing in life.

Forget the fact that you are a Christian or you already have an insight into what am talking about. By this writing, I am referring to both believers and nonbelievers. We are in the era of new ideas and concepts everywhere, is it in technology, science, and modern techniques.

Few Major Causes of Mental Illness:

  • Childhood maltreatment and being neglected.
  • Social segregation and loneliness.
  • Facing discrimination in a community.
  • Poor background or family
  • Losing someone close to you
  • Experiencing long-term physical health condition.

Also, people have a mental illness when they are not really fulfilling their self-desire in life.

Some have it due to lineage problems, the devil planting evil uncle and aunty in people’s background. It is called generationally inherited curses.

 4 Steps To Break Away From Mental Illness

1. Know Who You Are In Christ:

The first and most powerful way to break away from mental illness is knowing who you are in Christ.  

Know your true origin and identity in life. When you are born, you did not just fall from the sky, a woman gave birth to you. That woman as a husband which is your father.

Your father is the ruler and head of your family. Now your father comes from a particular tribe in a country and they have rules and regulations which is called culture. Your father is the most governed by that culture on how to keep his family.

Most times this culture in which children are brought up is very bad and does not align with the will of God.

A country is governed by the president who dictates most of the things that happen in a country. And most of the rules and regulations stated by the president of a country do not benefit the citizens, especially people from poor backgrounds. 

So we have a higher president in heaven who rules the affairs of this world in his own way that will benefit every life and soul in the entire universe. Ask me who that is?

We call him God and master of the world. Everyone has a special name they call this great God. In the kingdom of God, we have rules and regulations too and I can tell you this is the best kingdom to align your life and ambition. You can never go wrong in choosing God’s rule over earthly rules and your culture.

God will help you to truly discover who you are in life without pressure, without fear, without lack, he will walk you through every journey of your life with ease and love. He does not condemn you if you are slow to understand or take action and you must be obedient always.

 Not like your parent giving you a deadline of what you have to be in life. Not like your boss or the society telling you that you have to measure up to some standard in life before you get recognized. You are already recognized by him, he has chosen you.

So seek to know this God first and he will tell you all about his kingdom by studying his word day today.

Just like before a president is elected to rule over a country, he goes from one state to another state campaigning and telling the citizens what he intends to do for them if he’s elected as the president.

It is the same way in knowing God. You must seek to know him every day by reading his syllabus which is the bible and giving your life to him.

Go to places where the name of God is been called truly, ask questions, attend a prayer meeting, bible study, and pray often.

Mathew Chapter 6 verse 33 tells us, But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Seeking God’s Kingdom is that you want to know how God works, his background, his history, and what he will do for you.

All these things that shall be added unto you are where you get to truly know your purpose in life because after the encounter with him by knowing him, he will show you the path to follow in life that will make you fulfil your destiny.

I tell you if God shows you the path to your destiny and you walk in it with obedience, you will never be stranded or have any mental illness.

So for an unbeliever reading this blog post, do not be discouraged but thank God you can see this post and you have the chance to do life differently. Forget the formal thing and what has happened in the past, start afresh with God now. Accept him as your Lord and saviour.

4 Powerful Steps To Break Away From Mental Illness. I am Who God Said I am!

 Read my blog post on Genuine Salvation In Christ to be born again and new steps to take as a new convert and make sure you say the prayer of salvation.

2. Fervent Prayer And Constant Fasting.

The second most powerful way to break away from mental illness through a satanic agent that the devil mounts in our lineage is through fervent prayer and constant fasting. This may take some time but victory is definitely sure.

Fighting generational problems can be very rough and tough; we fight by the word of God and constantly appear in his presence. During this season, we can face many challenges like delay, no job, no food, no money, and not even encouragement from the things we see around us.

Sometimes it looks like nothing is working; you are just there in a spot for some time. But I tell you, the more you come to the presence of God, the more you have an encounter with him via his word and deliverance.

Please believe in the ministry of deliverance, remember the man with an unclean spirit in the bible Mark1-19. Please read with revelation. Legion are wicked and are Transgenerational, we have them in each family on the planet earth.

This household wickedness does not only bring mental diseases, it can place a curse on families or countries to be stagnated for life.

This is why we must know God and stand firm with him. As a believer, we must experience a waiting period.  In this period, do not stay idle make sure you are doing something for God, and be busy for him while he fights your battle.

There are so many things to do for God, just make sure you connect to a church or assembly where the true word of God is been preached and you are also being a preacher of the word to people around you. Impact life, live in love and be committed to his kingdom.

3. Have A Quiet Time For Yourself

 Do not be accessible to everyone and everything around you. We are bombarded with so many evil images and news around the world, especially in our generation, we have access to things that are higher than our standards and brain.

Social media and the latest technology software that are been created newly are all satanic traps. Be careful about how you use them or get close to them.

Be mindful of your thought and the people around you; do not associate with people or communities that talk down on you and God. Change your environment if need be, so that you can fully explore what God has in store for you.

This is why you cannot afford to be idle.  Having a vision in life and aligning that vision with God is the best way to get busy as a person. Proverb 29vs 18 tells us where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Then surround yourself with like-minded people, those at which you are heading toward the same direction and focus in life, you ask how do I know this person?

God will carefully choose for you and bring them into your life Pslams Chapter 37 verse 23 (KJV) says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

BreaK Away From Mental Illness By Studying The Word Of God Daily!

4. Affirmation Of The Word Of God every day

Lastly, the fourth most powerful way to break away from mental illness is by engaging in positive affirmations of the word of God in your life in any situation, it will transform your mind, spirit, and soul. It will boost your confidence.

Suddenly pain, fear, and sickness disappear. Psalms Chapter 107 Verse 20 KJV; He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Mental illness is destruction; sickness and fear are all destructions.

And the only thing that can put a stop to it is the word of God. Memorize various healing bible scriptures, read books about people that went through similar encounters, and learn about how God healed them.

Do not forget, that the word we speak from our mouths is powerful and it has the potential of producing bountiful testimonies in our lives. So keep speaking the right word and keep living for God. It is well with your soul in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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