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Five Signs Of Red Flag About A Man

Hi dear, I am back again; Do you wish to know the five signs of red flag about a man?

If your answered yes, then you are at the right place.

I have discussed the top red flags in Christian’s relationship in my previous post.

Now, do you have another question going through your mind and you are thinking about how to get the answer.

In this blog post, I have put together some major things that God will show you about a man.

Make sure you do not ignore the signs and take every necessary action in prayer then seek the face of God until you are cleared.

Stay tuned as I share.

His Behavior Will Negate The Things Of God.

Listen, ladies, the Bible tells us that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways.

Negating the things of God refers to behavior that goes against God’s teachings.

One example is engaging in sinful behavior contrary to God’s will like sexual immorality.

When you are alone together, instead of sharing the word of God, is he trying to have sex with you and saying it is not a bad idea?

He does not believe in sexual purity, which has happened on more than three occasions; God is showing that he will not be faithful even in marriage.

 Another example is; whether he is consistently lying, stealing, being prideful, and other such actions. All this behavior negates the things of God.

The perfect example is in the book of Galatians 5:19-21.

A man that negates the things of God is engaging in sinful behavior and neglecting to follow God’s commandments.

The Bible further tells us that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

 I am sure you will not want to settle for someone not heavenly conscious and earthly minded.

So many men in the church must not believe in what the pastor is preaching.

It is a big sign if he’s also criticizing the scriptures and bringing up his interpretation to suit his ways of living.

When You Feel Uneasy During Prayer Time For The Man

It is entirely okay to feel uneasy about a relationship during the first period of your dating because even if you marry each other, there will be days when you will feel anxious.

This is not an automatic red flag, but it should be noted when you feel uneasy about the man.

When God wants you with that man, you will feel peace when you pray; sometimes, you may be anxious, but if God wants you to marry the man, you will mostly be at ease when you pray about the person.

The peace am talking about is when you are in the presence of God praying. Do you feel at ease; if not, you need to ask more questions from God about what is going on.

Galatians 1:10 summarize that we must always seek God’s approval and not man’s. Do not even seek the permission of your emotions.

Your emotions can mislead you; many ladies settle for a man without seeking the approval of God. Be watchful and careful in that area.

God Put You Through Situations That Expose His Character

Character is a huge deal in a relationship; note this helpful tip as you spend time with him. Read 2Thessalonians 3:6-10

Is he consistent

Does he act the same way regularly, or does he have mood swings? How often does he keep his promises to fulfill them? Is he consistent in growing on the word of God, his personal life, finance, career, etc.?

Is He Honest

No matter how difficult the situation is, does he tell the truth or lie? Even during a difficult conversation, is he honest or tries to hide things from you?

Is he Respectful

He has to show you respect in the way he talks or treats you. I hope he acknowledges your feelings and opinions, or he dismisses them.

In Communication

How do you see him when he communicates with you, is he honest and open about things, or does he shut down or avoid essential conversations?

In Empathy

Is he someone that shows love to you and others? Does he try to understand your perspective and your feelings?

In Trust

Do you trust him, and does he trust you too? Please make sure you are safe and secure with him.


He has to be the man that takes responsibility for his actions and apologizes when he makes mistakes.

Observing these traits and behaviors gives you a better sense of a man’s character in a relationship.

Holding You To High Standard Than Himself

Obeying God’s commandment is not complicated but nearly impossible.

Ideally, we cannot obey God’s law; that is why the bible says our righteousness is like a filthy rag.

Jesus came to fulfill the law on our behalf because we are unable to do it as Matthew 5vs17-20.

It is easy to love the word of God when we apply it to ourselves, but as children of God, we are not only called to see ourselves through the lens of God’s Grace.

We are called to see other Christians through God’s grace.

It is of a religious spirit and pride in one’s life when they generally grace to themselves but realistically judge you.

We are called to obey God’s law. We should seek perfect obedience while knowing we may fail at a time.

In other words, if the man is abusing the Grace of God upon his life by stating that he can sin without any consequence, as Romans 6:1-4 explains.

If he’s more concerned about your sin than his own, this a big red flag; read Mathew 7:3-5

Not Rooted In Any Part Of His Life

If a man has no root or commitment to himself and cannot seem to stay in one place for long, it is because he does not want to be rooted in that aspect of his life.

A man that is not committed to himself cannot stay committed to you.

If you marry such a man, you will be the one looking after him and making sure he’s okay mentally, emotionally, and with others.

You will be the one booking appointment to go and see a therapist all the time, which can be stressful.

A man that is not rooted will be inconsistent; he will avoid you, always seeking validation, will be selfish, and lacks commitment.

It’s also worth noting that this behavior may stem from various factors, such as past traumas, mental health issues, or a lack of self-awareness.

So let him seek help first from God by Prayer and Fasting until the situation change.

To end this article, I am sure you have learned a lesson from the five signs of red flags about a man.

Please do not ignore the warning signs when you see them. I pray God will open our eyes and mind to take every decision through effective prayer to have a glorious marital destiny. Amen

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