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Genuine Salvation In Christ

Salvation is redemption from sin. It is a deliberate attempt to live a pleasing life according to the commandment of God. When you are saved, you experience new birth by the guidance of the Holy. Salvation is the No1 requirement to make heaven.

Be sincere to answer the question below.

  1. Why do you think God should allow you to see heaven without being saved?
  2. What will be your answer? OR Were you once saved but have shifted your ground due to circumstances around you?
  3. Do you know the revelation of Jesus Christ? If not then you are on the wrong path in life.
  • The book of Mathew 6:33 illustrates that but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. This is the starting point of your journey in life as a child of God.
  • A man can die and his rapture will take place instantly, so don’t be caught unaware.
  • Find your way back to your maker this season.  Start new work today by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
  • Read these Bible scriptures for edification on Jesus and pray the Prayer of acceptance today.
  • 1Samuel 2:1. John3:1-6. 2Cor5:17. Revelation 3:20. Romans 10:9-10. Act 4:12.               
  • Are you ready to be born again then say this prayer?     
  • Confess the bad deeds you have done in the past and present. Present the ones you cannot remember and table them before God. See Romans 3:23, 6:23.
  • Trust in your heart that Jesus died for you on the cross of Calvary. See Romans 10:9.
  • Be remorseful, confess and leave behind your sins. See Luke 13:3. Act 3:19.
  • Pray this short Prayer- Dear father, I am here in your presence in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I know in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, he died for my sins, I believe he resurrected from the dead for my justification. Dear Jesus, come into my heart this minute. I take you as my Lord and savior today and forever.
  • Write my name in the book of life now and forever. Amen.  Praise be to God alone. Hallelujah.
  • If you have genuinely prayed the prayers, then you are now a true child of God. Congratulations.
  • Get a Daily Devotional Books that will guild you this season to know God more daily. It will help you as a beginner in Christ.

Remain Blessed.

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