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How I Build My Relationship With God Afresh

Today I would be sharing with you the practical activities of how I build my relationship with God afresh.

What I did to build my relationship with God as a newly born again Christian, the gradual growth to the extent that I can now share them with you.

Am so sure someone will be blessed by this topic. It will not be in vain. Amen.

A few days ago, I was thinking and reflecting and at the same time asking the holy spirit what can I do to make my blog so unique for someone who is reading, I got an answer that says; it is what you practice daily or do that you must write about, our personal experience with God is what makes us different as a child of God.

We have so many sincere and genuine Christians across the world, each one writing their own unique experience as been led by the Holy Spirit and people are benefitting from such writing and articles. Roman 8 vs14 says; For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Remember David wrote the whole chapter of Psalms in the Bible. That was his experience with God; we can see that till when the rapture will take place, believers will continue to quote from those scriptures.

Also Read: 5 Helpful Scriptures For Strength In A Hard Time

How I Build My Relationship With God Afresh

Here is my daily routine each day from the day I genuinely gave my life to Christ.

As a new believer, you ought to have a list of things you do daily and these few points must be included in your daily activity.

The first thing I did was buy a daily devotional book, a bible (KJV version) a pen, and a jotter placing them beside my bed. As a beginner, I am not familiar with the way to read the bible or understand and pray, so buying a daily devotional book helps me a lot, it comes with a daily chapter in the bible to reflect and pray with it.

As a beginner reading this post, do the same for yourself because the God that you have surrendered your life to already knows you before you are born, so you need the revelation of who he’s to be fully established in his kingdom.

Setting alarm daily: I set my alarm to wake me up 1hrs ahead of the previous work schedule, for instance, if am going to work at 9 am, I will need to wake up at 7 am to prepare, so since I need to pray every day, I have to set my alarm to 6 am to read a chapter in the bible with my daily devotional book, do some praise and worship session, reflect on the word then pray for the day.

Doing this constantly and every day has helped me so much, I cannot do without it now, it has become a habit for me, and I have had a personal encounter with Jesus just by daily and constant fellowship. You can start with 1hrs daily.

But with time, it will increase to 2hrs or more. You will just love his presence. You will hear God speaks to you. So before you go to bed at night, always have your plan ready for the next day, first thing is to set an alarm clock to wake you at a particular time to study and pray.

Another thing I did was always reflect on what I have read as I set out to work, putting the teaching into action, the word of God teaches us to do good and not evil. It change my character toward people around me, and I became more mature in the way I handle issues.

Attending weekly service after work 2-3 times a week apart from the regular Sunday service. Weekly service is more like a bible study, it helps me to have more insight into God and the stories in the bible, and how they related to our daily life.

Joining a department in the church also has helped me. I joined the prayer department and after about 6month, our coordinator start putting me on a roaster to lead short prayers for 30mins, what are the prayer points like; they are a prayer of Thanksgiving, a Prayer of forgiveness, and a prayer of encounter for the people. Joining the department helps me to work for God.

Constantly speaking in tongues. I cannot forget this special gift from God after joining the prayer department. Sometimes I normally wake up late for work, and I will not even be able to pray, all I do is make sure I read my daily devotion for that day and start going to work.

On my way to work, I pray under my breath sometimes; I do it in tongues because of distractions around me and this exercise has helped me a lot in my journey. As a beginner, please desire this gift because you cannot be praying in your understanding for long, the Holy Spirit will give you a prayer point too.

Within 2 years I saw so many changes in my spiritual life, I went through several encounters. The power of God duals in me richly. Fasting becomes a normal routine for me. Too many things have happened and many things will continue to happen.

God our creator is unsearchable, his ways are deep. The more we know him, the more we want to know him.

What Are The Struggles I Went Through?

Adjusting to the new life in Christ- This is a major area I struggle with so much as a beginner. Previously I was not used to a lifestyle of reading the bible when I wake up in the morning or at any time, all I do is go to work, eat and sleep. Sometimes staying on my phone for long chatting and going out. No Christ activities in my life then. So when I got born again, I have to develop myself and one of the ways to develop is through regular fellowship.

It was so hard, imagine the activities you did not engage yourself in while you are at a tender age and all of a sudden you want to start doing it, it is hard. You all will agree with me doing something new can be very challenging, but if you have made up your mind, then it is something you can do. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5vs17 (KJV)); Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Letting go of my usual lifestyle was so difficult, keeping up with bible study and praying was rough and tough at the beginning but constant practice help me to scale through and now I am free and addicted to God.

Staying away from friends that think I’m too holy and our lifestyle is not marching: I had to let go of some of my friends in other to stay focused on the goal.

The bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 15 vs 33 KJV; be not deceived: evil communication corrupts good manners. I missed them but I have to move on and stand for what I believe in.

Prayer was hard then; my prayer was always repeated for some time till when I got the Daily Devotional Book in order to be gilded on how to pray correctly. Listening to various preachers on YouTube about how to build a closer relationship with God also help me. I download some audio teaching on my phone on various topics so I listen to them while on the public bus, while walking, and even at midnight.

Another struggle is that sometimes I wake up and I do not feel like praying at all. So what do I do? Well I do not understand what I needed to do so I ask my Coordinator at our prayer meeting that sometimes I wake up and do not feel like praying, and when I tend to do it forcefully, it is just like am talking to myself. His response was that just do praise and worship. Sing and dance.

Not all the time you will be praying.

So after that time, I learn more about how to praise and worship God in different songs. I love my personal praise and worship session, it takes more time even. You will be completely socked in the presence of God that you will not want to end it. Praise God.

So these are a few of my experiences and am still learning and growing in God’s word. To fully know God, takes a lot of time and commitment but it is the best decision to take. Psalms 84 vs7 says; they go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. Vs 10 say; for a day in thy court is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. Amen

The current situation around the world now is evil, bitterness, deceit, envy, and killing.

No good news in the world without God, with the new technology and everyone trying to meet up with the standard of the world, God is my Standard and unto him, I will keep looking for the rest of my life.

He holds my future in his hand, my life is in his hand, I will not look somewhere else. He will choose for me what to be in life because I can’t even choose rightly for myself without him. He’s my author; he moulds me in his own image and likeness.

To you reading this post now, make God the most important person in your life. Seek his kingdom and every other thing shall be added. I hope you have been blessed through this blog post.

Thank you and keep living for God.

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