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Serving God Is A Choice!


One word from God lightens the whole nation, nothing empowers like a word encountered. Serving God is a choice, the impact of it is so enormous that you will think you need a credential to qualify for it, but it’s accessible to all believers, and every believer is qualified for it. It’s not a gift or a calling, every child of God has a place if he/she chooses to.

It is a platform for the emergence of stars heading towards heaven, so if heaven is your focus, then serving God is what you must do, you cannot be idle.

However, the choice to serve does not enlist anyone to a reward, engaging in service is what does, read Mathew 21vs28, do not boast too much, so engage in actual service to God.

God changes your level in the kingdom according to your labour not according to your prayer; there is nothing in doing nothing. Stop playing religious and face the work. Be definitive and watch how God will supply the Grace.

God does not reward our choice, he only rewards our labour which validates the genuineness of our choice. 

In all labour, there is profit, not the talk of the lips.

Only labourers are entitled to reward not leaders, founders, bishops, and pastors. There are many bishops and founders in the world that are lost. Do not get carried away with titles. He will reward you according to the fruitfulness of your labour. The kingdom of God is governed by principle; the seedtime and harvest time shall never cease. The scriptures cannot be changed for your sake.

 There is nothing extraordinary; it is an extraordinary input that makes things be. If you want to see what you have never seen, get to do what you have never done. If you do something, as usual, the result too will be as usual

Every revival season is ordained the back place of giant, no matter the level you are at today, your story can change. Every genuine choice will receive a supply of Grace.

Danger Of Not Serving God:

Studying the life of the children of Israel before God delivered them from Egypt is a perfect example of what will happen if we do not serve God.

 God saw how the children of Israel have been enslaved and afflicted by Pharaoh for 430 years, he has compassion upon them and raise a man; Moses to bring them out of the land of slavery with the intention that they may serve him. Kindly study the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy about the children of Isreal.

We saw the people God called his First Born, how they are very disobedience, rising and falling into Sin after God brought them out of the land of captivity and even killed Pharaoh for them.

They make up another God, they frustrated Moses their leader, and make him commit error with God by anger, and because of that mistake Moses did not see the promised Land. Even the devil waited for him at the gate of Heaven to collect his body, read Jude1vs9. Thank God he intervenes

Even the children of Israel also did not see the promised land because they will not serve God and obey him. Joshua and Caleb were the only adults that enter the promised land, others were children below 20years, and the rest all died in the wilderness.

Numbers 32vs11-12 (KJV): Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me. Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son of Nun: for they have wholly followed the Lord.

Deuteronomy 28vs47-48 (KJV): Because thou servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck until he has destroyed thee.

So Dear Believers serving God may not be easy but it is the best decision to make in life, do not go in the way of the world. We have a protocol in the kingdom of God, and only that protocol we the children of God must follow all the days of our life. Again as you make a choice, God will supply the Grace. Remain Blessed.

Father today I renew my choice to serve you forever. Let your Grace be upon me to excel in Jesus Name. Amen.

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