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What To Look For In A Godly Relationship As A Lady

Hi, I am here to talk about what to look for in a godly relationship as a lady.

Are you currently in a relationship and you want to know the requirement you need to look out for in that man.

Then this blog post is for you.

Just like when you program that delightful dish in your head and then promise to prepare it.

The ingredients in that dish will make you enjoy the meal.

We have some essential ingredients that a man must have in other for you to have a glorious marriage ordained by God.

Your glorious marital destiny is a delicious meal; you cannot afford to add harmful ingredients.

I hope you understand my point. Now let’s get to the main point.

He Must Be Genuinely Saved

Ensure he’s genuinely saved and hope he accepts Jesus as his Lord and savior.

Not every man that carries the Bible loves God.

So check that by asking questions about his salvation story, his experience, how often he does his bible studies, and other things related to Christ.

Read my Blog post on Red Flags In Christian Relationships

He Fears And Obeys God

A man must fear and obey God’s commandments if he is truly born again.

David said your word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against you, Psalms 119:11. Also, the fear of the Lord is the b beginning of wisdom, Proverb 9:10.

A man who fears and obeys God will go far in life, so watch out!

He Keeps To The Word Of God

The Bible says I abide in me and I in you, John 15:4. Taking it in that it equals to keeping God’s word.

We all cannot see God, but he’s closer to us than we can ever imagine, so as he watches us every day, he expects us to keep his word.

As a lady in a relationship, look at your men’s lifestyle; make sure you see that the word of God is his standard of Living.

Make sure he does not contradict the Word of God or pick the ones that only favor his character at any given moment. This will be a typical red flag, so watch out.

He Must Have A Godly Family Background

In Genesis 24:1-14, the Bible tells us how Abraham instructs his eldest servant to go and look for a wife for his son Isaac.

He specifically told the servant that the wife must be from his own family, which means he is from the same religious background.

That may be tough if your man is the only one serving God in his family. It would be better if his parents and siblings did the same.

He Must Be Responsible

A godly man will take responsibility for his actions whenever he goes wrong. He will be dependable in fulfilling his commitment to you.

So what to look for in a Godly relationship as a lady is for your man to be responsible in every area of his life.

He Must Love The Institution-Called Marriage

Ladies, not every man who serves God believes in marriage. But a man who loves the institution called marriage will put consistent effort into making the relationship work.

He will be willing to have some difficult conversations with you and be open to hearing your opinion; he will also make sure you both find common ground to resolve the issue.

A man who loves marriage will also have plans with you regarding the number of kids he wants.

Where you will be staying, the kind of business he wants you to do, how many vacations you will take in a year, and so many other things.

Ultimately, the best way to know if a man loves the institution called Marriage is to communicate openly with him and observe his actions over time.

He Must Have A Source Of Income

The Bible says a man who does not work should not eat, 2 Thessalonians 3:10; if your man is not working or has no income, how will he feed himself?

If all he does is attend church service regularly and on work days, he’s just sitting at home doing nothing; such a man is not responsible.

No matter how little it is, he must have a source of income and be doing something.

Even if he wants to go into ministry full-time, he still needs to work and have a source of income. Take note, dear single lady.

Shared Values And Beliefs

It’s essential to be with someone who shares your values and beliefs, particularly regarding faith and spirituality.

Does he see value in the area of your calling? Does he agree with what you are currently doing for God? Is he contributing to your calling for you to be a better person?

These are part of what you should consider in a relationship.

He Must Possess The Fruit Of The Spirit.

Galatians 5:22–23 says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law.

One significant benefit of a man possessing these qualities is that he can live more in line with God’s will and character.

He will be able to love others selflessly, experience inner joy regardless of external circumstances, and have a sense of peace that surpasses understanding.

He will be patient with others, treat them with kindness and goodness, and be faithful to his commitments.

Furthermore, a man who possesses the fruit of the Spirit will also be able to exercise self-control and demonstrate gentleness in his interactions with others.

All of these attributes will enable him to build healthy relationships with you, make wise decisions, and overcome challenges in life.

Overall, possessing the fruit of the Spirit is a sign of spiritual maturity and can bring about many positive benefits.

In conclusion, this article outlines what to look for in a godly relationship as a lady and how to prioritize finding a partner who shares your faith and values.

Look for someone who treats you respectfully, communicates well, and is committed to growing with you spiritually.

 Remember, being in a godly relationship can bring immense joy and fulfillment, and it’s worth waiting for.

The right person will honor and love you in a way that glorifies God.

And another important thing is to ensure you have the same qualities you desire in a man.

Also, be the right person for him. Keep him from shouldering all the responsibilities alone.

Remember, God created a woman to be a helpmate to the man. So make sure you are that helpmate for him.

Trust in God’s plan for your life and seek His guidance as you navigate the world of Godly dating and relationships.

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