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Who Is Deborah In The Bible?

Who is Deborah in the Bible?

Bible Text Joshua Chapter 4 verse 5

According to the reading in the book of Judges chapter 4 vs five, it says that Deborah is a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth and that she was a judge over Israel at that time.

When the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord after the death of Ehud, God sold them into the hand of Jabin, king of Canaan, and his general Sisera.

The king has nine hundred iron chariots and ruthlessly oppresses the children of Israel for twenty years

Exceptional Deborah In Character!

Who is Deborah in the Bible is an exceptional leader because she is a woman. God called her to an important role as prophetess and lawgiver to Israel. She is the first woman in the Bible to hold political office, and the children of Israel turn to her when they want justice.

Through her, God relates his words to settle disputes, governs and protect the people.
Her tribunal is established on the high ground of Ephraim between Rama and Bethel. This place is very important because God has already manifested Himself in that environment.

She was a woman of authority when the Canaanites wanted to enslave the children of Israel and drive them out of their land; in Judges chapter 4, verses 23-24 it says: “So God Subdued on that day Jabin the king of Cannan before the children of Israel.

Verse 24: And the hand of the children of Israel prospered, and prevailed against Jabin the king of Cannan until they had destroyed Jabin king of Cannan

Deborah is a mother, she trusts in God, she designs a military strategy and puts herself at the service of the people she governs, she is called the mother and protector of the people in Israel.

Deborah In The Bible And Her Strength

Who Is Deborah In The Bible: Her Spirituality

Deborah’s spirituality was one of her greatest strengths. The bible makes us understand that she was a prophetess, and as we know, you cannot be a prophetess without having a very solid spiritual background, and she commuted between very spiritual geographical locations, namely Rama and Bethel, which shows her passion for the presence of God.

What has spirituality done in Deborah’s life?
What will spirituality do in your life as a born-again woman or lady?

1. Your Spirituality Determines Your Authority

In Judges Chapter 4 verse 6: Deborah send for Barak and gave him a word of authority from God saying the Lord has commanded him to be prepared for the battle.

Everywhere you see authority, what drives it is spirituality and the strength of your spirituality is what determines the strength of your authority.

A person who has authority in the things of God is a highly spiritual person. It is our depth in God as a woman that determines our height in life.

As a spiritual woman, you must always be critical. If you do not like the way things are happening around you, quickly move into the realm of authority in the spirit. Do not be a cold woman without a spiritual degree.

Deborah’s generation is made up of people with high spiritual intensity and very spiritual fervour, and as a result, she has spiritual authority.

2. Your Spirituality Determines Your Boldness

This refers to boldness, confidence, and what you can tackle.
Deborah was able to go into battle and take the leadership role for the men because she was spiritually bold and could face it.

As a woman, you need to reach a certain point in your life where you do not get carried away by your feelings and distractions of any kind, but take your spirituality to another level to increase your boldness.

Boldness is the cure for calamity. The devil rides on fearfulness, the Bible tells us in the book of Matthew 11 verse 12 KJV: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.

So women of faith increase your boldness and decrease the disaster.

3. Your Spirituality Determines The Supernatural

Your spiritual level determines your supernatural level and sphere of action.

It is the level that you see in the supernatural, and then when you bring it into a clear form, it will begin to form miracles in your life, it will give you the unusual result. A woman who is spiritually bankrupt is also supernaturally bankrupt.

That is why Deborah was able to move the way she did and give instructions. The Bible says that the river Kishon fought against Sisera, and the stars in their causes fought against Sisera.

These were the forces of supernatural events, and nature was fighting with God’s people because there was a spiritual woman (Deborah) leading the fight.

4. Your Spirituality Determines Your Vitality

This is your energy level, that is, your physical and spiritual strength.

If you are spiritually strong, you will also be physically strong; you will have energy in your bones that cannot be explained.

As a woman in ministry, you need spiritual energy to fulfil your destiny, whether in your job, marriage, or social life.

5. Your Spirituality Determines Your Sensitivity

As a result; you have a very sharp, intense memory and can easily see whether something around you is wrong or right.

And this sensitivity will help you to pray and address problems as they arise. You can see this in the life of Deborah.

Let us be like Deborah’s generation, in our family, in our business, in our career, and in our ministry.
In the book of Habakkuk 2vs1 KJV, it says, I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

When you stand on the high tower as a woman, sensitivity takes place, your spiritual antenna is open to hear and receive instruction. Women, let us be a revelation generation and be sensitive like Deborah who is in the Bible.

6. Your Spirituality Determines Your Possibilities

Your spirituality determines your possibilities. What is possible depends on the extent to which you are spiritual as a woman. Where spirituality dries up, man becomes incapable.

So whatever you want to see at the beginning of your ministry, your family, your marriage, your career, and your health in life is determined by the degree of your spirituality.

And dear women, if you do not want your life to be buried in the impossibility of ascending in spirituality, as someone may say, I am already spiritual, then I will disappoint you by saying that spirituality is in stages, you are now at one stage. And that is the reason why you have seen the things that you have seen.

Now if you can shift levels, there will be a shift in your possibilities, a shift in your power, a shift in potency and a shift in your manifestation.

7. Your Spirituality Determines Your Opportunities

This means that the position you can take in relation to God determines where you can stand in life.

A woman named Deborah, who was truly spiritual, became the commander of the army of a nation; she became the leader of the nation, the judge of the land. Why? Because your relationship with God determines where you stand in life.

As a spiritual woman, you do not need to beg or campaign for anything, no matter where you are and what you are doing, because if a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, even his enemies, not to mention his friends, not to mention you and other people, will be at peace with him.

Your relationship with God gives you the highest degree of honour, the highest degree of dignity, the highest degree of decency, and the highest degree of openings that no man can hold.

Spirituality is the gateway to opportunity. It is also a gateway to prosperity, as King Josiah says in 2 Chronicles, chapter 26, verse 5: “And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper.

As a woman, apply this to your life: As long as you sought the Lord, you will prosper beyond your imagination. New things will start happening, and new opportunities will come.

I am not speaking from a lecturer’s point of view here. I am speaking from the point of view of a practising Christian. So the woman in our society must follow the same principle in other to excel in life, marriage and ministry. God’s standard must always be our standard too.

A woman who hears from God can never be silenced. Hearing from God determines your physicality in your generation. It determines your ability to command and obey. It determines your calling like Deborah.

In conclusion regarding this teaching, who is Deborah in the bible proved to us that:

She fulfilled a very demanding task to liberate the land and her people from 20 years of slavery.

All women can always put themselves in Deborah’s position. God has given you a task to fulfil while you are here on earth.

Be productive to God’s will for your life. God wants you to take responsibility.

Let the true life of God be evident in you wherever you are. Keep winning souls for Christ; let your lifestyle and the word of your mouth always draw another woman to Christ.

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