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Effective Communication In Godly Relationships

What comes to your mind when we discuss effective communication in godly relationships?

Because we cannot read other people’s brains, communication allows us to understand what they are thinking or experiencing.

Trust, dispute resolution, and other critical aspects of a relationship become easier, if not impossible.

Relationships are difficult. Nobody enters into or exits one expecting it to be easy.

And each relationship we enter introduces whole new variables. After all, even understanding ourselves can be difficult at times.

Assume you wish to improve your communication abilities to better the dynamics of your relationship. In such a case, I have a few ideas for you.

What Exactly Is Communication?

Communication in relationships helps you convey to someone else what you are going through and your requirements.

Communication not only allows you to achieve your requirements but also allows you to stay connected in your relationship.

Having so much on our minds at once, how can we assist in lubricating the gears of our relationship so that it runs more smoothly?

When speaking with your partner, be straightforward so your message is heard and comprehended. Check that you comprehend what your spouse is saying.

4 Important Roles Of Communication In A Godly Relationship

So, what is the significance of communication in a relationship? We see communication differently as Christians.

Communication enables us to better treat our spouses by allowing us to forgive, listen, and worship God as the core of our relationship.

To Avoid Mistakes

The significance of miscommunication in relationships/marriages may be traced back to Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:6-7

Adam and Eve are great examples of couples who did not communicate well and, as a result, did not follow what God commanded them.

They eventually sinned. Adam and Eve ate the fruit without even debating whether it was right or wrong. 

They somehow trusted the serpent and ate what they shouldn’t have.

Poor communication causes a relationship to deteriorate.

It eventually brings relationships to an end. However, as Christians, we believe that relationship communication is more important than worldly relationships.

It also entails having a connection with the Lord.

Christians must improve their communication with their spouse since it is fundamental in all Christian relationships and essential as a follower of Christ.

Listen To One Another

Good communication in a relationship improves partners’ ability to listen to one another.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, ” James 1:19–20 says, “because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

Listening is a kind of good communication because it lets us completely understand what has been stated with an open heart.

But we must recognize the importance of listening, not simply listening to reply and talk about what we want to talk about.

Only then will we be able to converse more effectively? Listening to an answer adds to the confusion since we must genuinely listen.

Listening opens our hearts to what has been said. It allows us to completely understand every aspect of what has been communicated.

“And remember to do good and give with others,” says Hebrews 13:16, “for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Display Forgivingness

Forgiveness can be accomplished through effective communication. When we make a mistake, or our partner makes a mistake, we should forgive them and seek forgiveness for our mistakes.

Be sympathetic and kind to one another, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ (Ephesians 4:32).

If somebody has created anguish, he has not so much saddened me as he has grieved all of you, to put it mildly (1 Corinthians 2:5).

Forgiving someone requires clear communication. When we forgive, we must demonstrate our forgiveness to our partners through nonverbal and verbal communication.

Make God The Center Of Your Relationship.

Improving communication is vital so God can be at the heart of the relationship.

To accomplish this, couples must “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Prayer is the highest form of communication since it involves both this world and God in heaven. It pulls us closer to God by connecting us to Him.

Proverbs 3:5–6 mentions that praying with our spouse brings our connection closer to God.

So, what is the significance of communication in a relationship? As Christians, we view contact with our non-Christian friends differently.

For us, communication is with God and with our partners. Thus, it is an important aspect of our relationships.

Communication allows us to treat our partner better, forgive, listen, and center our relationship toward marriage and God.

3 Prerequisites For Effective Communication

Most singles in relationships need help with effective communication.

It’s one of the most difficult components of a relationship, especially when we let our selfish desires rule our behavior.

“We just don’t communicate!” How frequently have you heard that from an irritated partner or perhaps said it yourself?

Communication breakdown is one of the top causes of breakups in the United States today.

Ineffective communication can break the joy of a courtship-on-the-horizon relationship.

Unfortunately, Christian couples fare no better than non-Christian spouses since many allow their “old natures” to dictate their behaviors rather than the Holy Spirit.

Couples who wish to become better partners when they marry must seek God’s wisdom in communication and dispute resolution.

There are three major prerequisites for effective God-centered communication:

You Require The Holy Spirit.

Communication is the marital glue that holds the couple together. Oneness has no strength or true significance without it. The Holy Spirit provides the power for unity.

As a result, couples can be confident that God’s Spirit desires to play a meaningful role in their communication.

The Holy Spirit is essential in this process. Indeed, one of the finest contexts for efficient communication is one in which the “fruit of the spirit” is present.

Couples who exhibit the fruit will converse successfully with one another.

Couples who want to communicate properly must therefore live by the Spirit.

When most couples think of communication, they immediately think of the action of communicating.

However, Scripture and research both show that communication involves the entire person.

According to studies, words alone account for only 7% of communication. The tone of one’s voice transmits 38%, while body language communicates the remaining 55%.

As a result, communication involves the entire person, particularly the Spirit.

Couples who genuinely want to communicate must question themselves,

“Am I projecting a positive or negative spirit to my spouse?” and “Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to influence my human spirit?”

Corrective Measures

Countless couples exclaim, “It’s impossible!” We’ll never be able to talk.” When a couple reaches this point of despair, they can be certain that Satan is at work in their perplexity.

When sin interferes with communication, Scripture instructs us to take specific steps to repair the relationship.

Couples who desire to communicate must choose to let go of their revitalized spirits.

Based on Scripture, they must accept that God has given them a new ability available only to Christ-followers (Ephesians 4:17, 22-24).

Once you have Christ’s thinking, you can replace your basic human tendencies and habits with the new.

Encourage one another’s spiritual communication capacity, and motivate one another by complementing one another’s efforts.

When attitudes of rage and bitterness are present, enlightening conversation is impossible.

Unfortunately, these attitudes are natural, and couples with these hungry tendencies devour each other.

Couples can only avoid natural reactions if they have faith, pray, and seek expert counsel.

Couples who want to communicate effectively will try to eradicate anger and bitter attitudes in their relationship by believing and acting on God’s truth and promises.

Satan causes either a man or a woman to focus on their partners, causing that spouse to feel justified and rational in their wrath and bitterness.

You release your rage and resentment and stop comparing your righteousness or sinfulness to your spouse’s. Choose to bless rather than curse.

You Need Wisdom And Grace.

Scripture once again supplies us with valuable lessons for success. When a disagreement arises, a couple’s capacity to communicate is put to the ultimate test.

Before settling disagreements, both couples must trust one another enough to communicate openly without being knocked down or preached.

The Five Areas Below Are Essential When Conflict Arises

  1. Approach with a caring and compassionate attitude

Rejection, fear, and animosity suffocate conversation, and issues cannot be resolved in a hostile environment.

As a result, couples must seek God’s guidance in creating an environment of kindness and concern.

2. Spirit of mutual vulnerability.

Vulnerability is the ability to reveal one’s innermost feelings, thoughts, concerns, and goals without fear of rejection or punishment.

Both spouses must trust one another enough to share frankly without being judged or preached.

Transparency is required. When one spouse is honest, the other feels trusted, loved, and respected.

3. Approach one another as good listeners.

Proper listening helps to overcome conflicts by clarifying what the other partner is truly experiencing and expressing.

Couples who listen to each other and act by taking corrective steps will communicate well.

Consider The Following Five Ideas About Effective Listening

Creating a non-threatening, understanding environment.

Paying attention and closing one’s mouth.

Looking for clarification.

It takes more than pity; it takes empathy.

Showing a teachable spirit.

4. Approach to speaking the truth in love.

When attempting to resolve a problem, honesty is always challenging. However, God encourages us to be truthful while doing so in love.

The objective is to achieve an appropriate balance between the two. This demands open communication and the guidance of God.

Consider These Thoughts On Speaking The Truth In Love

Your main priority should be to repair your relationship.

Your objective should not be to “win” but to gain understanding.

You should avoid snide remarks that start the “insult cycle.”

Your goal should be to keep your emotions in check.

To ensure comprehension, you should pause and reiterate your spouse’s reasoning.

Avoid the “you’ve got the same problem” syndrome.

You should be aware of proper communication timing, location, and context.

It would help if you avoided mingling difficulties.

Your goal should be to get Everything in order before the sun sets.

Pay attention to a specific problem and handle the topic rather than the person.

Instead of making broad generalizations, be precise. Make “I,” remarks rather than “you” comments.

Above all, seek understanding rather than “victory” over your spouse. Remember that when your spouse loses, you lose as well.

5. Compassionately approach each other.

Giving and accepting forgiveness is a non-negotiable aspect of communication and conflict resolution.

Forgiveness is a voluntary act motivated by faith in Christ. It is a major responsibility of believers, according to God.

If you have harmed your spouse, consider “walking in their shoes.” Take the time to listen truly.

Then, demonstrate a repentant heart to heal their scars. Ask for forgiveness by confessing your sins and failings to your spouse.

Even if you don’t believe it, you can forgive by the grace of God.

Remember that your Lord has forgiven you greatly and that you should reciprocate.

Seek Assistance With Communication Problems

If you can’t improve your relationship’s communication, consider praying about it first, then asking God for help.

When communication becomes ineffective in our relationships, God can greatly help.

His heavenly wisdom and counsel can heal wounds, restore understanding, and develop deep bonds.

The Bible highlights the power of God’s intervention in Proverbs 16:24, saying Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.,

Through prayer and seeking God’s guidance, we can find the right words, empathy, and patience to speak effectively.

We open ourselves to God’s transformational love by welcoming Him into our relationships, allowing us to negotiate disputes, grow empathy, and strengthen links with our loved ones.

Allow Me To End This Article With These

Effective communication is a potent tool that can improve our relationships while honoring God.

The Word of God taught Christians a lot about good communication. The key starts with the heart, which regulates how we respond to others.

We shall witness God’s blessings in our relationships and lives as we follow God’s direction to effective communication.

John 13:17 says If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. So kindly put what you have read to practice.

What aspect of good communication will you begin practicing today? What element do you find the most difficult to live out, and why?

Am waiting for your feedback. Thank you for reading through.

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