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How To Stop Loving The Wrong Person

Good day everyone, and welcome to another blog post. Today I will be sharing with you the topic I settled how to stop loving the wrong person.

We all know that emotions are inherent in all human beings; sometimes, they take center stage.

We put our reasoning behind us and our emotions ahead of us, which is why most of us have made wrong decisions, even when choosing a life partner.

Decisions and choices in life require adequate reasoning, even in getting the right partner for yourself, so what do you do when you helplessly find yourself loving the wrong person?

When you say I love this man, but he’s unavailable, how do I control my emotions?

I will tell you this be careful when there’s something in you that you want, but it’s not in your control; be careful how you attach your feelings to it and when you’re fantasizing and imagining things.

Many of us do not understand how feelings and emotions work.

The other person has their mind, and they or they can go anywhere they want, but you can’t help it.

I’ll tell you these three things you need to know and follow to be free with your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

There are these imaginations you have when you meet a handsome guy, and you fall in love with him without prayer or seeking the face of God regarding the person, all that you are thinking is how to start a relationship with the person.

That thought is wrong and not godly; it will only lead to anger, sin, and heartbreak because what if the person does not feel the same way about you?

The Bible instructs us to set our heart on things above Colossians 3:2; you can admire the person from a distance due to their approach or conversation.

Do not let your mind make unnecessary assumptions and conclusions that you must have a relationship with the person.

Feelings are energy you sum up in your mind; they drive you towards something good or bad. Not everything you feel is Good and acceptable to God, even in our daily lives.

Your thoughts spark the feelings then your feelings inspire the action of pursuing that thing you are thinking about.

So if you are attracted to the person, you first need to get the correct information about the person by being friends. From that stage, you know if he’s someone you can settle with, and he also must feel the same way.

Ladies are not the first to ask a man for a relationship because, in most cases, men do not like that idea.

Men like to chase; if you ask first, the man will pull back. Do not initiate what you cannot control.

Women are created to be pursued; the man is created to pursue; the man is a hunter, do not reverse the order of nature because you won’t be able to sustain it; you may start it, but you can’t sustain it.

Our perfect examples are in the Bible; Jacob pursues Rachael for fourteen years Genesis 29 

Another thing to do is filter prospects and stop falling for the wrong person, even at the stage of getting to know the person.

Firstly we’ve got to give ourselves a break. It’s okay when you don’t have answers to some questions; part of learning what we like is learning what we don’t like.

When we have experienced someone with qualities and traits that we know are not good for us, if we repetitively keep finding ourselves attracted to the same personality, then that’s a mistake.

So please, in all your knowledge, you must say, “This is what I like, and this is what I do not like.”

My sister had a very sophisticated way of choosing what she wanted from the menu.

She would start with what she didn’t want, and she looked at a menu and said I don’t want this; I don’t want that, so a process of elimination must be done.

If you’ve had some bad dates, it’s the same for you.

Let’s say, for example, that you’ve met people who do things too quickly and then pull away so quickly, and you’re very sure that this person is giving you heartache, and you don’t like it.

Consider your mental health, which means walking out of unhealthy relationships and telling yourself that you want somebody more committed and oriented.

Focus on someone who wants a committed relationship, someone with a long relationship history willing to invest his time with you and take every stage of your friendship seriously.

So place commitment as one of the top priorities in your mind before loving any man. It is incredible the mind will focus where you tell it to go.

Give yourself three qualities you want in a man, put them in your mind, and be committed to them.

It can be that you want someone who loves God (This should be your number 1 priority), is honest, caring, and loves family; it all depends on your choice.

These will be on your mind as you go about your daily activities, and whenever you come across someone you like, you will quickly assess the person to see if he matches your qualities and know whether to take the friendship to the next phase.

Lastly, be busy with God and your calling. This is deep; it is the main thing, dear single ladies. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:20–24 that a man’s way is of the Lord, who can then know his way.

God has your life’s plan and agenda in his palm; he created you in his image, knew you before you were born, and has a purpose for your life.

Every child of God has a calling from God; it can also be called an office in the same way that you wish to be a businesswoman, doctor, or lawyer.

God has created you to be something.

Find out what your Calling is and stay and develop because the world is waiting for your manifestation.

They are destinies tied to you and you alone; if you are not in the place of your assignment, souls will perish, and people may die.

Imagine if some of our pastors had refused to go into their place of Calling, many souls would have died.

All the great servants of God worldwide understood this, and they are now on their duty: winning souls for Christ.

Do you know your duty station (your calling)? If you do not, kindly wait for God to show you and get busy doing it.

 Remember the parable of the ten virgins and the parable of the talents Matthew 25; carefully read this story; it will help you understand who God wants you to be.

For many years after school, I tried to work and go into business; I was in the wrong relationship for ten years and did everything possible to make ends meet. All went down the drain.

So I gave my life to Christ six years ago after a terrible breakup and moved to a new country.

Then God began to change my life; I went through several deliverances and became so committed to God’s works and services in my church.

I had prayed and told God to show me what kind of career or business to do, which would bring glory to his name and settle for life in 2021, precisely December.

And in the last week of December, someone asked me if I loved writing, and I said yes, and he told me I could start writing and using it as a blog and that all I needed to do was pick a particular niche I loved and get started.

I chose the Godly Niche right away; my logo depicts raising godly women.

And look at me today: every time I write, I feel joy in my heart; the more I write, the more power and knowledge I have to do better.

Hearing and doing the will of God is the best thing to happen to a believer. Do not be deceived; the man God has for you must align with the will and purpose of God because you two will be his representatives here on earth, showcasing his glory.

So this is why it is essential to get busy with God so that you will avoid any distractions, and when the time for your marriage comes, he will divinely position the right man for you.

Do not try to go about jumping from one man to another; stay and settle with God. He gives the perfect gift.

Where are you now on your journey with God?

 It is never too late to return, just like the prodigal son returns to his father after lavishly spending his inheritance; his father welcomes him with a fat cow and calls for a party, saying, “my lost son has returned.” Luke 15:11-32 kjv

To everyone reading this, you must return to your maker; he has been waiting for you. Welcome Back.

Confess that he’s your Lord and Savior, and ask for mercy for all the wrong things you have done in the past and now. Then start afresh in a pristine state.

And in no time, he will also assign you to your area of specialty in kingdom service, and then you will be settled in life. Amen

I hope that you have been blessed by this blog post.

Loving the wrong person can be very frustrating and draining. Know God today; he will give you peace and show you the way.

I will always say this: God is the answer at all times. Stick with him, and he will beautify your life.

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