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Single Prayers

Being a single lady in this current world can be very challenging, especially if you are a believer. That is why I have come up with single prayers.

I want to share my prayer journal with you to pray along as you wait for your future partner.

My dear, waiting can be very tough, especially when God prepares you for a journey. 

The marriage you are waiting for will not just be for you and your partner to come together and have children.

It is far more than that; you must be close to the Holy Spirit to know what God wants you to do while waiting.

I know God wants me to go into writing and help young girls discover their purpose in life.

God gave me the gift of writing, so the journey has started.

Sometimes it is difficult, and other days, it is smooth.

We endure both ways, and we will keep moving. The journey is still far away.

11Powerful Prayers To Pray As A Single Woman

Kindly pray these prayers with the whole of your heart because they are inspirations from God. Be blessed in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1. Prayer For Joy Every Day

Bible reference- Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice- Philippians 4:4

Thank you, Lord, for each opportunity to see another day. May your name be praised.

I will rejoice every day and every time, even though I am going through the waiting season.

I am sure my prayers have been answered, and I am receiving my miracle.

I will continue to live with peace in my heart and peace around me until the day of my testimony.

Let every evil seed in my heart die by the Blood of Jesus. Amen 

2. Pray To Guard Your Heart.

My son, give me thine heart and let thine eyes observe my ways- Proverbs 23:26

Heavenly Father, I hand over my heart to you today and forever.

Take absolute control over every thought in and out of my heart; let it be a Godly thought.

I cover them with the blood of Jesus. 

I sanctify my heart to always think positively and speak only as a child of God. 

I believe in the father I serve; I will meet with my God-ordained partner soon. Amen 

3. Prayers To Wait On God’s Perfect Timing

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord – Psalms 27:14

 Father, I declare that I will wait for your timing for my life. 

No matter what the devil is showing me, I will not go into that relationship that does not bring Glory to your name.

I will not go down the dark path of accepting benefits from the opposite sex.

I will stay away from every gathering where only the lustful things of this world have been discussed.

I receive fresh grace to wait and serve God until it is my turn to settle in Jesus’s name. Amen.

4. Prayer To Control Sexual Desires.

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication- 1Thessalonians 4:3

 Heavenly Father, even though abstinence can be difficult, today I receive grace to keep myself holy till my partner comes.

The Bible says we do not wrestle against flesh but against principalities, powers, and wickedness in a high place.

Sexual immorality is wickedness fighting against a believer who is willing to stay holy until the day of her wedding. 

Let the seed of sexual immorality die in my life today and forever. Amen.

5. Prayers For Singles For Trust In God.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding- Proverbs 3:5

With all my heart, spirit, and soul, I will trust you, oh Lord. You have always succeeded in doing good in the time of old, so you cannot fail me now.

You are the same forever.

So I will not be moved in my faith. I will not listen to the devil saying that my time has passed or I am getting old.

There is a man for me, and God is taking his time to bring us together.

We are building a strong Christian family. 

Your plans for me are perfect, so I will wait and trust in you God until my time comes. Amen.

6. Prayer To Be A Godly Woman.

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms – Proverbs 31:17

 Thank you, Lord, for making me in your image and likeness; everything you make is good.

Father makes me a Godly woman full of the Holy Ghost. 

Let people see me and know that I am a child of God and a woman who fears God.

Let every spirit of pride, and arrogance departs from my life; replace it with a heart full of love for people and God.

Let all the fruit of the spirit richly dual inside of me. Prepare me greatly for that man in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms – Proverbs 31:17

 Thank you, Lord, for making me in your image and likeness; everything you make is good.

Father makes me a Godly woman full of the Holy Ghost. 

Let people see me and know that I am a child of God and a woman who fears God.

Let every spirit of pride, and arrogance departs from my life; replace it with a heart full of love for people and God.

Let all the fruit of the spirit richly dual inside of me. Prepare me greatly for that man in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

7. Prayer Against Anxiety And Worry.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind: 2 Timothy 1:7

Dear Lord, you said in your word that I should not be fearful because you had not given me the spirit fear but of power and a sound mind.

Today, I accept my power over fear; I will enjoy the good health God has bestowed upon me in redemption.

My God will perfect all that concerns me in due time.

I broke the backbone of anxiety over my life. I enter into my freedom in Jesus’ name. Amen.

8. Prayer To Focus On Purpose.

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called- Ephesians 4:1

 Today, I can be focused on everything I do. In what God has called me to do.

I refuse to be carried away by the noise around me.

I receive the wisdom to stay on purpose and achieve incredible results through the power of the one who has called me out of the darkness into his marvellous light in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen 

9. Prayer When You Feel Alone.

Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand- Psalms 73:23

Today I receive the promise of God that I am not alone.

Please help me remember that you have been with me from the day I was born.

My current status as a single person will not rule out the love of God inside my heart.

I am not alone; God is with me to perform his wonders.

My turn for a glorious marriage will come. 

All eyes will see what the Lord has done for me and pick up their testimony through my story. 

Father, please always give me the grace to know how much you love me until the end. Amen.

10. Prayer Against Peer Pressure.

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not—Proverbs 1:10.

Heavenly Father, though some of my peers are married now and raising families, and I am still single, I refuse to fall into the pressure of settling for less. 

My current status will not force me to tune in to what is not the plan of God for my life.

I will not have a child while I am not yet married; I will not have multiple partners like some women.

The grace of God that has saved me till now will be sufficient to take me to where I am ordained to be and bring the right partner my way. Amen.

11. Pray For Your Future Partner.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour of the Lord– Proverbs 18:22

Yes, according to the Bible, whoever finds a spouse finds a good thing and receives favour.

Today I decree over my life that my husband will find me.

God’s favour will be our portion.

Our abode shall be called blessed.

The Holy Ghost’s fire now destroys every delay on our path. 

Let every veil catch fire, whatever the devil has used to keep my partner from seeing me as his wife. Amen

God will bring him to me, and my spirit will be open to seeing him as my husband. 

The resources required to build a godly home will be abundantly available. 

Our marriage will be sweet; the younger generation will learn from us when we share our stories.

Finally, God will be the number one priority in our marriage.

We both shall love and serve God till eternity. Amen 

General Prayer for the Singles.

Thank you, Lord, for all the single ladies around the world.

There is a purpose for every woman’s creation, and one of them is to fulfil her destiny.

Father, I thank you for that single sister reading this post today because you will find your purpose in life.

You will receive intrusions from God, and he will begin to direct us.

The right man for you will locate you as you are dedicated to your purpose.

Please do not be discouraged, no matter how old you are.

 I know the devil is telling you that you are already over the age limit but shut that voice up with the blood of Jesus.

Remember Hannah from the Bible and our dear mothers, Sarah and Elizabeth.

When you read about their story, how do you feel?

Sarah became a mother after waiting for so long; Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, also became a mother in old age.

What about Hannah? God heard her cry and blessed her with a child.

Today I decree that your God-ordained spouse will find you where you are now.

Distance is not an impediment to God bestowing his blessing on you.

 I will stand and wait on God; he’s never late.

The joy of the Lord shall fill my heart like never before. Amen.

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