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What Does God Say About Being Single

Being a believer in this modern world, I refuse to be bothered about my status or think that something is wrong with me because I am not yet married.

My creator, who owns the heavens and the earth, has a good plan for me in every area of my life and for you reading this blog post today.

Here is what I want us to look at; what does God say about being single.

Firstly, do you have a question going through your mind about whether being single is a sin?

The answer is no.

There is a reason why men were created, as well as why you were made.

Most single women are stuck in life because they did not inquire of God about the purpose of their existence.

Growing up, I did not like my parent’s marriage. Though they tried their best to make it work, it failed.

After a while, they separated, and within ten years, they both died.

As I grew older, I was determined to keep myself and vowed that I would not marry like my parents.

Thank God I am still single today; I have been in a few relationships and gone on a few dates, but today I can boldly say none of them was fit for marriage.

I discover that throughout my journey in relationships, I don’t even know or understand the meaning of living a life of purpose.

I believed that the purpose of life was to go to school, graduate, get a job or start a business, and then marry and have children.

Nothing changed until the day I gave my life to Christ. My orientation toward the kingdom of God changed.

The Bible instructs us to seek God’s kingdom first, and then everything else will be added.

I started afresh with God, and he gave me a proper purpose in life which is writing: and that is what I am doing now, sharing my experience.

As a single lady/woman, the purpose must come before marriage.

I used the word “must” because this is the value that will take you to your next destination.

The airlines will give you a list of must-have documents if you plan to visit another country like Canada or the United Kingdom.

Same it is for you as a believer. And if you are not a believer but just come across this article, do well to read and know God’s purpose for your Life.

Accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour. Enter into the new kingdom of God where you truly belong. Your crown of Glory awaits you.

Kindly note that I am writing based on the Holy Ghost’s inspiration.

What Does God Say About Being Single

Single sisters, do not write yourself off when God has not written you off.

You must know how to meditate on God’s words and his promises, then be rest assured that God will settle you soon.

Being Single Is A Privilege From God

There is a season and a time for everything in life. 

According to the Bible, seed time and harvest time will continue indefinitely as long as the earth exists.

The seed time was when you were in your mother’s womb; the harvest time was the day you were born.

Even after you are born, another seed is sown: the root of development from newborn to infant, then toddler to teenager, and then maturity sets in.

So you did not suddenly become mature as an adult. 

Another example is the rainy season and the dry season.

Let’s take day and night, for example; they come at their own time every day since the creation of the earth.

I want you to understand this principle in order to set your priorities correctly.

Being a single lady, for now, is a privilege you have to embrace, enjoy, and understand.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through this season so that you can reach your full potential. 

Live at peace with yourself; continue in God’s will; your heavenly father has good plans for you.

To be alive daily is a blessing from God; use it effectively.

Accept The Season You’re In Right Now

Accept the season you are in now; what you do with your time now determines what you will be in the future.

God says his plans for us are good.

If you want to harvest good results for your life, your life today must be valuable and productive.

Take care of every necessary concern now (works of the flesh).

Wait to put it off now; not postpone it to the future and say, “Until I am married, you must handle it now.”

With the help of our God, who is always present through the Holy Spirit, we will uproot every evil root that will affect our future, so stay on track, and accept the season now.

You can only go far if you understand the season of now. Do not gamble through life; lay a solid foundation for yourself.

I don’t want you to be eighty years old and wish you had lived your life differently, like many others to whom God gave a perfect plan for their destiny, but they chose a different path.

Get up and achieve something meaningful for your life.

Being Single Is A Time With God

 1 Corinthians 7:32 Nlt:  I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him.

As a single woman, God has set us free from the issue that is going on in the world.

The only thing you should desire from God is to spend more time in his presence.

Many single women spend time on unimportant things like partying, gossiping, and other things.

Be unmarried with a difference by investing your time only with God.

We have two characters in the Bible, Mary and Martha. In Luke 10:38–42, Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen right, unlike Martha, who was more concerned with many activities in the house.

Do not be moved by the noise around you; take control of your time, use it to know God more, and ask God-relevant questions about your journey in life.

Please ask him about the marriage he’s preparing you for and await his response.

Discover Who You Are

Every stage of your growth in life is wired to change you first as a person in mind, spirit, soul, and body.

Afterwards, the people around you will benefit, and then the world too.

Technology has taken centre stage in the world; we have ladies doing so well in their careers and inventing new things but have no relationship with God.

Let us be like Joyce Meyer, Sarah Jakes Robert, and many others.

God has poured out his spirit upon us; let life’s events change you.

Success in the kingdom of God is not immediate. It is a journey.

I started my journey of writing over one year, it has been challenging, but I enjoy what I am doing with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

I am not yet married and have discovered my purpose; I will keep growing until the world sees me.

Get into the field of work with God.

We have read in Luke 10:2 about the harvest and the labourers.

God is looking for a woman to stand in the gap for him as a true ambassador.

This is one of the reasons why you are still single. God recruited you to his kingdom the day you gave your life to Christ, and he expects you to bring souls to him.

If someone is going through a tough time around you, console them, and pray with them.

Share your salvation story; it can bring multiple souls to Christ.

The devil has locked many believers, including godly ladies, in darkness; they are in between the worlds.

They only go after the things of the world, not minding the business of God, who gave them the breath of life.

Stand out for Christ at any gathering where you find yourself, speak confidently about him, and he will beautify your life. Amen.

Be Single With Expectation

Habakkuk 2:2

 And the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.”

Single ladies’ expectations are essential; they can also be called desires.

What are your desires for the glorious marriage that you expect from God? Write them down.

Start with the kind of man you desire from God. Write down the lifestyle you expect to live with your partner once you’re married.

Please write down the vision you want your marriage to carry because it will be a lesson for someone else in the future.

After writing, wait on God and be expectant for the result because God will grant the desires of your heart with what you have written, and a day will come when you will refer back to the note and say God has been faithful.

Let me share this short story. I once dated a guy for a few months. During one of those days, we discussed what we would like to be in the future.

He wants to be a captain working on a boat cruise; I was like, “That is very lovely.”

And then I told him I would love to be a full-time stay-at-home wife running a YouTube channel, blogging, and other stuff.

He asked me what I wanted to blog about; I told him about godly women’s content, lifestyles and good marriage.

Guess what? He was not cool with that, so we went our separate ways.

Here I am today, writing about raising godly singles. I will eventually reach the stage where I am supposed to be.

Why am I sharing this? Desires are essential; they are a tool in God’s hand to deliver your expectations.

After I ended the relationship with the guy, I wrote down everything I wanted, from my relationship with God to my career, business, ministry, and all.

Today the journey has started, the more I write, the more inspired I am, and this is what I want to be for the rest of my life.

Have this list ready before entering into any relationship. It will guild you.

 It will automatically remove the wrong person from your life because you already have a goal, and once the person does not meet up with you, you will quickly take the exit door out of the relationship.

So, my dear single ladies, it is not yet over with you; God is preparing you for a more significant task of saving another young lady around you.

Keep waiting as you align your life with the will of God, and he will elevate you soon. God is the true vine; stay with him.

To conclude this post, I advise young women between the ages of 18 and 25 to avoid thinking about relationships for the time being.

Focus more on God and serve him full-time alongside your academics.

Be fully mature in discovering yourself through the power of God. Then, he will settle you into a good marriage in due time.

I am sure you have all been encouraged. Kindly subscribe to my newsletter to receive godly content. Thank you.

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